Our new album BELL WELL is out now! It’s a special collaboration with artist and longterm friend of ChopChop Jim Sanders.
Head over to our bandcamp to listen, download or order on CD or vinyl here >>>
Live dates
21/02/2025 – The Prince Albert, Brighton, with Rats on Rafts – Tickets
28/03/2025 – Crash of Moons Club, The Ballroom, Canterbury
03/04/2025 – Folklore Rooms, Brighton, with Holy Clang
25/04/2025 – A pousada (Boiro), Galicia, Spain
26/04/2025 – Potemkin, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
03/05/2025 – The Miller (near London Bridge station), London
20/06/2025 – The Rose Hill, Brighton
Previous live dates
“A fantastic life affirming noise… wildly original”
Tom Robinson, BBC 6
“The extraordinary chopchop – better, more ferocious, more astonishing every time I see them”
“Never seen anything like them… left me with the strange urge to watch a Marx brothers film”
Live review
Michael Rodham-Heaps at FREQ mag,
on CHOPCHOP at Moth Club, Hackney
“CHOPCHOP’s music snakes round its orator like a slippery thing, cymbals replaced by the clatter of hubcaps on toms, cutlery-jammed guitars – there’s an itchy jazzy vibe to the melodics, fuelled by a fertile imagination full of bruised shapes and punkish angles.
Performance artist Xelís de Toro dances the jagged edges superbly in an urgent, jerky Giacometti centrepiece that has a David Byrne-like drive to his contortions, enraptured in a stream of consciousness simplicity and a razor-sharp intellect.
The sounds that surround him are tensive, built up on darting dynamics, eerie keys and smeared trumpet that Schaumburg your head with surprise. A mosaic whole, crawling and crackling, mining mantra-like to vocal abstracts that punch out their confines. Their last track is a beautiful contraction that secures a well deserved applause.”